Friday, March 30, 2012

Cobb Webs and Dust

Hello! I hope this posting, again delayed ( totally long and exhausting story) finds your spirit at peace and resting in the safety of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I hope that for all reading this entry. Below is something I wrote exactly one year ago at what I call Resurrection Sunday ( Easter). The time when we celebrate all that Jesus did for us at Calvary. We see his love demonstrated in the suffering and agony he did to set us free from a life of bondage. We see the power of our lord Jesus has God raised him to life, and set him above a name higher than any name on earth.

" Therefore God exalted him to the highest place
and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father" Philippians 2:9-11

Cobb Webbs and Dust
Yesterday was the first Easter without Granny. It seemed a little off and didn't hit me until after dinner when I was showing my moms friends to the highwaay. its funny how things work. Just a year ago there was so much peace inside me. I was undistirbed by Granny's illness and the back stories of my family members. Yes Granny and Grandaddy were still unreconciled. Erica, the cousin whom we welcome in came in her usual spirit. This time in grannys absence came grandaddy. He came to a space he had not occuiped before- easter dinner with his family. For years he remiained on the outside. The animosity about things happened past was a thick layer and often impearmeable. This Easter he came in an effort to live out what he was sent back to do-- spend time with his family. Many visits to Hunstville Hospital and a near visit to the heavenly throne, here he is attempting do something he had never made an effort to do in the past-- spend this resserrection sunday with his family. His true family, his blood felt awkward. As did he. He spent close to thirty minutes before getting restless. A trait that we know all too well. He left to go with his other family but promised he would return. All the while, this did not connect until the next day at the very end of the hour. Grandaddy was sent back to try. He was sent to make a fresh stab at something he had not conquered-- spending time with his true family. As he tried to acommplish this I am sure he felt as if he was fighting through old cob webs and dust. These things you find in a forgotten attic that is hardly visited. Oh Jesus our rusty hearts need to be made anew.

Friday, January 20, 2012

When is He Coming?

Thank goodness its Friday. It's been waaaaaaay to long since my last post. Much has happened since December. I am officially a city girl as I missed my first bus today. Baltimore is different from Huntsville in that I am unable to park my car where I would like to-- right in front of the building. Being a major city with lots of hustle and bustle there just isn't enough space. To add cookies to the ice cream, most times people have to pay to park even to go to work. This was quite a shock to me at first. Not only to me but to my wallet. Just last week one of my colleagues showed me where the free parking lot is located. In the mornings I can park my car in this lot--just four blocks from my buiilding. I can also catch the "Charm City Circulator" to drop me off behind my building, which is super nice especially when it is cold! This morning, despite my efforts to run to the stop before the bus approached, it passed me by. This was quite disappointing, but one of the things I am learning in the season is how to embrace God's stops. I also learned that SKINNY girls such as my self need to work out too. I was hurting after that run!

In my bible study class we are continuing to study Acts of The Apostles. Last week we read about Paul's second missionary journey. This took place after Paul and Barnabas have a sharp dispute over Mark ( ACTS 16:36-41) John Mark left the other disciples during the first missionary journey to return home. Barnabas wanted to give him a second chance, while Paul thought he was too unreliable to take on the new journey. So Paul and Barnabas separate. Barnabas takes Mark and sails to Cyprus to check on the previously established churches, and continue proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ and his resurrection. Paul takes Silas and travels through Syria and Cicillia. strengthening the churches and believers there. In this situation both men were right, and God allowed it to further the message of the gospel. They were able to cover more ground apart! How wild is this? A greater good as a result of a disagreement? This is just further proof that God's infinite wisdom is beyond our often limited understanding. "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are my ways your ways, DECLARES THE LORD"~Isaiah 55:8. During this journey Paul also meets Timothy and he joins the team and begins to travel with the disciples. They leave Galatia and try to go to Asia, but they were stopped by the Holy Spirit from entering. I am sure this was disappointing as they thought this was the place God wanted them to go. I love the way the scripture reads on this " When they came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. " ~ACTS 16:7-8. The Spirit of Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the same. Later Paul has a vision of a man begging in Macedonia asking him to come over to help them. (ACTS 16:9). Paul without hesitation heeded God's call by the Holy Spirit's leading. While they were stopped from their original plans, God quickly responds by giving them a clear direction to where he wanted the gospel proclaimed next. God's stops are just as important has his directions to move forward. His ways are not our ways, so the key is trusting him to work things out for our best benifit. Its super hard and challenging to do, but with Jesus and the indwelling of his Holy Spirit all things are possible. Don't think for a second that I myself am teaching these words. In fact as I write, the Holy Spirit is teaching me and saying listen to these words you write!!!!!!!!

This week I also watched a beautiful movie on netflix. The movie is centered around Jesus Christ, but through the perspective of Thomas his disciple. The title of the movie is "Close to Jesus: Thomas." Thomas is known famously for questioning that Christ has risen, and that the others had seen him. "Doubting Thomas" was his nickname. I can sympathize with Thomas as doubt is something that I have severely struggled with. I am the type of person who wants to see facts. Jesus appears to Thomas and shows him his wounds. Upon seeing Thomas believes and Jesus says " Because you have seen me, you have believed, blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" John 20:29. During the movie Thomas is completely torn and distraught over the death of Jesus. He will not stop until he has found the body of Jesus that was not found in tomb, because he has risen. As the movie progressed I kept waiting to see Jesus. I kept wanting him to appear. The movie was 1 hour and 31 minutes long ,and Jesus does not appear until 1 hour and 25 minutes in. Talk about waiting till the very end. I kept asking "When will Jesus appear?". The moments in which I thought he would were premature. When he does appear it is such a beautiful moment! Thomas falls at his feet and you can see his wounds from being crucified. This is the type of relationship I long to have with Jesus. One where I can fall on my face in tears of joy and happiness just being in his presence. Just as Thomas longed for Jesus we too can experience this through a relationship with him. 1 Thessalonians is full of references about Jesus's second coming. Paul writes to the Church in Thessalonia "May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones"~ 1 Thessalonians 3:13 . So while I waited a long time Jesus eventually appears in the movie. Just as he will appear again because he is risen. There will be no more delay, and we will live with him for eternity. Every tear and sorrow will be a distant memory. Even now he is with us, and there is no separation even though we can't physically see him. This is the promise that believers have in Christ. His physical presence will be reestablished. Just hold on a little while longer because he is coming!!!!!!! May God's peace be with you!

With Love

Monday, December 19, 2011

Joyful Expectation...Another long delayed entry!

Greetings I hope this entry finds everyone in joyful expectation for a celebration! A celebration of the life and birth of the one who paid the ultimate penalty for our sins, that we would have life more abundantly. This gift that God gave us through the person of Jesus Christ. I love the Christmas carol " Hark the herald Angels Sing." Not only does the song have a delightful melody, but the message it contains is truly a revelation of God and the work of Jesus Christ on the cross. I just want to take this time to share a favorite verse:

Hark the herald angeIs sing
Glory to the newborn King.

Mild he lays his glory by,
Born that man no more may die,
Born to raise the sons of earth,
Born to give them second birth.
Risen with healing in his wings,
Light and life to all he brings,
Hail, the Sun of Righteousness
Hail, the heaven-born Prince of Peace.

Hark the heraId angels sing
Glory to the newborn King.

What insight these verses give us! Jesus lived to die so that we would no more die. He was born to heal and redeem us , and he lives to intercede on our behalf. He was born that we would die to sin, and one day be risen with him to witness all his glory and majesty.

A few weeks ago I started a brand new chapter. I relocated to Baltimore Maryland. Moving and leaving family behind has been such a challenge. I thought it would be so easy to just pack my stuff, but I am learning that there is a such thing as separation pains. Its not so much that I miss home, but realizing that I am really entering adulthood. These pains however, can never compare to the pain Jesus felt when he was separated from God fulfilling his mission to pay our penalty because of our sins. "Now from the sixth hour darkness fell upon all the land until the ninth hour. 46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?"~ Matthew 27-45-46. This is still simply a pain unimaginable. Imagine sharing such a deep an intimate relationship with some one for so long, and then feeling as if that person is no longer there. Imagine the pain of spending every waking hour with someone and then suddenly only see them once per week. That is exactly what sin does to us, and why Jesus had to experience such separation. Sin separated us from God, but don't despair because there is good news coming. The good news is that every last one of our sins, even those future to us, he paid for through suffering. " For he was wounded for our transgressions, the chastisement that brought us our peace was upon him" Isaiah 53:5. But God raised Jesus to life. After his anguish came glory, and his light shines brightly. Like a pregnant mother in labor Christ gave birth to our redemption. Christ is truly what we as believers are celebrating. His victory over sin, and the snares of the enemy , and accusers of our souls. We have this victory in Jesus, and he asks us to believe, have faith, and allow his Holy spirit to transform our lives and turn us from sin. Hark the herald angels sing! Glory to the Newborn King! Peace be with you all this Christmas season.

With Love,


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Long Delayed Entry

Greetings! I hope this long delayed entry finds you well, and encouraged. Again it seems as if I have been on a hiatus from blogging. The year has officially begun, as all my regular activities and bible studies have resumed. It seems that I have something to participate in every day. From church Acolytes to Sunday school and weekly bible study, there is barley idle time. I am grateful for this because it keeps my mind occupied with things of God.

On each Tuesday I attend Bible Studies Fellowship. This is a wonderful instrument God has used to bring me more into the knowledge of Christ, and his ultimate plans and purposes for our redemption. This is an International Bible study with classes all over the world. Groups are separated by gender. There are women’s day classes, and night classes. I attend the Huntsville night class at Southside Baptist Church. It’s easy for me to leave work at 5:00pm, and head straight over for class at 6:25pm. If you visit the BSF website, you will find that these classes began more than fifty years ago. It seeded out of a desire of a small group of women to deepen their faith through weekly study of God’s word. In almost every major city in the United States you can find a BSF class. If you happen to be traveling for work, or visiting family in other places, you can sit in on a class in whatever city, and not miss a beat. The same lesson will be covered.

Last year during a time of great transition, I felt so thirsty for more knowledge of the living God. When I walked into my first BSF class, I was comforted and knew God had ordained me to be in that space. My initial small group consisted of about 15 ladies of many different ages, ethnicities, and professional backgrounds. We studied the book of Isaiah which was very intense and challenging. Each lady provided a window to look though to different perspectives. I love BSF because it’s scripture based, and it challenges me to remain in the word. Each week there are questions to answer based on the current book you are studying. By the time you are finished, you have looked at the passage in question FOUR times, leaving room for the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to new perspectives. Here is a breakdown of how it works

1. In your quiet personal time, read the scripture passages and answer questions. This allows for the Holy Spirit to speak to you, and offer wisdom.

2. Meet with your small group and discuss the week’s questions. A time to see other perspectives and gain additional understanding

3. After small groups, all groups convene usually in a sanctuary for lecture. The Teaching Leader continues the work of the Holy Spirit, by shedding additional light and interpretations of the passage

4. Receive take home notes after the lecture to sum up the main points. Study those again to gain further understanding.

I know it seems like a mighty task, but there are so many blessings that arise from disciplined study of the word. Jesus said it most eloquently, “We cannot live by bread alone, but every word that comes from God.” ~ Matthew 4:4. This is a pretty powerful statement from the only person at the time sharing a deep and meaningful relationship with the Father. Jesus knew that our spiritual nourishment would keep us through the joys and sorrows of the present life, and remind us of the eternal inheritance awaiting us in the future. When I was first introduced to BSF, I was dealing with the physical loss of my grandmother. The fellowship with other women of faith kept me encouraged, through very difficult days. Having other ladies to pray for me and be genuinely concerned for my welfare made it easier to cope. Each week in BSF, your small group leader will ask for prayer requests. The A.S.K. Sheet is then distributed to other class members, and you pray for one another.

BSF normally begins shortly after school sessions resume, and last through late spring. We take a break in the summer. This year we are studying Acts of the Apostles. The main subject of this book is the gift of the Holy Spirit that Jesus gives to believers at Pentecost after he ascended to Heaven to be with the Father. In the book of Acts, we see the roots of the Christian church we know today. We see the transforming power of the Holy Spirit to turn average and ordinary men into great vessels of service to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through this study, I am learning that God can use the most unlikely people to spur his plans and purpose. The eleven disciples were not schooled at renowned seminaries. Their power to preach the gospel and make disciples came from Jesus alone through the gift of the Holy Spirit. There is still much to learn, but I hope this entry will speak to someone today. Perhaps you might find yourself in the midst of transition and thirsty for more knowledge of the Living God. I invite you to visit the BSF website and locate a class near you.

If you are in the Huntsville area, I am available to answer any questions you might have, and provide information about the next introduction class. These classes are totally free, and it’s an amazing opportunity to study the word of God!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


The spirit put this on my heart today. We are living in a society in which purity is deemed a disease. The family is broken and we have gotten away from the biblical and Godly principles that lead to stable families. We are SO caught up in the world and its desires that we are impoverished spiritually. We are in a spiritual famine. We fail to seek your kingdom first and study the word that created our life. “ In the beginning there was the WORD and the WORD was with GOD.”~ John 1:1. How do we neglect the word when it is so crucial to our very existence? Your spoken word created the air we breathe and the birds we see! We are impoverished and when will we begin to confess this so we can be healed by Our Father.

It’s been a while since I have written, and not because I have been so busy, but I have too been caught up, and my main focus skewed from the center love of my life, Jesus Christ. The one who sustains me through the struggles and strife’s of this life. Yes spiritually I am in need of his healing restoration to the full romance we share. I want those times where I would just lay in bed overwhelmed and completely content in his goodness. The days when I would look at an empty space and envision him standing in it. I desire to continue a sweet fellowship of trust and real communication. The willingness to tune everything out to be entrenched in the word! But even through our moments of spiritual poverty he is right here with us. He never leaves our side. The prophet Isaiah said it best “Can a mother forget a baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne?” ~ Isaiah 50:15. Most certainly not! And so it is with our SAVIOUR that he does not forget us. He feels the pain when we are distant. He too is distressed and longs for our return. Jesus feels for us and has an unfailing and unconditional love that acknowledges our weakness while also seeing our complete perfection in him. He lives for us today, just as he did yesterday. His blood spoke for us, and his hand is stretched out to be clinched by ours. Father we are so impoverished. Guide us to communicate with our lover more. Allow us to study your word. Give us revelation and understanding. There is nothing in the universe more satisfying than your love.

Have an amazing rest of the week everyone; hope this note touches someone’s heart today!
Love Kohl

~ I consider my life worth nothing, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me. The task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. ~ Acts 20:24

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tearing Down Idols

I am thankful to God that I am able to write these blogs. I have slacked in my priorities which is evidenced my lack of posting this summer. God is dealing with me on a number of things. Just two years ago he began growing me in ways that I never thought possible. He took me from the deepest valleys of my life and told me I needed to grow and be that person that he preordained me to be to meet those purposes he had for my life. This summer the work again continues as he is calling me to grow so that we can reach those places God desires to take me. It’s almost like a baby learning to walk. Until he/she decides to stop crawling they are limited in the places they can go and the freedom God desires them to have.

Though at times I might think differently this is all about Jesus and none about me! We are greatly deceived when we think this life is about anything other than the glory of God. This might make things easier if like me you are a sensitive person, and hurt by sometimes offensive comments and negative people. It isn’t as much about you but the negative powers and principalities that existed from the beginning and continue to exist today. “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” ~Ephesians 6:12. We are called to look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith for guidance in strength. We are called to deny ourselves and walk in love even if it means allowing others to react negatively towards us without returning in retaliation. It’s absolutley hard but absolutely necessary.

This last year God has revealed my idols and those things he desires to tear down to render me more effective for service in his eternal kingdom. An idol, as I have struggled to understand is anything that I place above the living God. It could be my family, job, a desire for worldly success, or significant other. These are all external, but the spirit is teaching me that my idols also exist internally. Idols of pride, doubt, worry, and un-forgiveness. When we hold on to these things, we give them priority and lose focus of Jesus, the only person who can move us safely across the troubled waters. If you desire for your idols to be removed it’s all a matter of asking the Holy Spirit to reveal those things that are distracting us from the real presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Ask him to remove a spirit of un-forgiveness, or bitterness, and doubt. Ask him to remove those burdens that are keeping you from your true purpose. Ask him for the strength to be kind to those who are highly critical. Ask him for the grace and mercy to operate in those places of contention and opposition. Have you asked him to remove your idols?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Precious Faith

"Everything that does not come from faith is sin" (Rom. 14:23).
Two weeks again since my last post! Exactly one year ago my whole world changed completely. It was at this point in July that my Granny’s health went from 80% to 40% in a matter of days. As I look back I am amazed at the peace God gave me to get through. The strength he gave me to let go of my fears about her leaving this earth to go and begin her life in the splendor of his Glory. Being able to let go is one of the greatest gifts you can receive. I never imagined or experienced that time of peace in my lifetime until last year. I was perfectly content and trusted in the promise of everlasting life to all who believe that Jesus is and lives. “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent”~ John 17:3. My spirit swells up just remembering my experience of knowing and trusting God enough to give Granny to him! The tears stream at times just thinking about God’s goodness. In essence God gave me the gift of faith to believe in a spiritual realm of eternity that my eyes have yet to see. One of my last conversations with Granny was about her transition to her new life, one much fuller than this present one. I spoke to her without tears, but with confident assurance that Jesus was present and would be with her always. I long for this precious faith in all my circumstances.